Bollywood superstar and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is expecting her first child, four years after her marriage to husband and fellow actor Abhishek Bachchan. News of the pregnancy was revealed by Aishwarya's father-in-law, Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan who posted a message on his Twitter account Tuesday: “News News News!! I am going to be a Grandfather. Aishwarya Expecting. So Happy and Thrilled.” Bachchan also added on his blog that the pregnancy was “confirmed by the doctors yesterday (Monday) evening.”
Aishwarya, 37, has often been hailed as “the most beautiful woman in the world” and after her start in modeling, her acting career has included major Bollywood hits such as 1999's romantic caper Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam and 2002's Devdas. Her international credits include 2007's The Last Legion and 2009's The Pink Panther 2.
In 2003, Aishwarya was the first Indian actress to sit on the Cannes jury while she has graced the Croisette over the years with red carpet appearances as brand ambassador for L'Oreal. Aishwarya's upcoming projects include Heroine directed by Madhur Bhandarkar that revolves around a Bollywood superstar actress.
Expectedly news of Bachchan's pregnancy made prime time news with various Bollywood personalities congratulating the family.
“Thank you all so much for all the blessings and greetings and the good wishes...To be a child again, to pamper and give love and company and all things bright and beautiful to the little one that shall take over all our attention in the days to come...and now cometh the progeny of my son that shall bear the surname Bachchan -- the first in this generation,” added Amitabh Bachchan on his blog.
Source URL:, 37, has often been hailed as “the most beautiful woman in the world” and after her start in modeling, her acting career has included major Bollywood hits such as 1999's romantic caper Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam and 2002's Devdas. Her international credits include 2007's The Last Legion and 2009's The Pink Panther 2.
In 2003, Aishwarya was the first Indian actress to sit on the Cannes jury while she has graced the Croisette over the years with red carpet appearances as brand ambassador for L'Oreal. Aishwarya's upcoming projects include Heroine directed by Madhur Bhandarkar that revolves around a Bollywood superstar actress.
Expectedly news of Bachchan's pregnancy made prime time news with various Bollywood personalities congratulating the family.
“Thank you all so much for all the blessings and greetings and the good wishes...To be a child again, to pamper and give love and company and all things bright and beautiful to the little one that shall take over all our attention in the days to come...and now cometh the progeny of my son that shall bear the surname Bachchan -- the first in this generation,” added Amitabh Bachchan on his blog.
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