Miley Cyrus Wallpaper #4 _ Miley Cyrus Heads to Haiti Après avoir assisté au Grammy Awards et reçoit un prix de leadership de nouvelles, Miley Cyrus a pris une pause du monde de la musique pour aider le peuple d'Haïti à se remettre sur pieds depuis que le pays a encore du mal à se remettre de tremblement de terre de l'an dernier.
After attending the Grammy Awards and receiving a new leadership award, Miley Cyrus has taken a break from the music world to help the people of Haiti get back on their feet since the country is still struggling to recover from last year's earthquake. URL:
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Miley Cyrus Wallpaper #4 |
Miley Cyrus Wallpaper #4 1280x800 |
After attending the Grammy Awards and receiving a new leadership award, Miley Cyrus has taken a break from the music world to help the people of Haiti get back on their feet since the country is still struggling to recover from last year's earthquake. URL:
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